A quiet place is a place to reminisce, to reflect, to celebrate the joys and to find solace in the losses.

It can be found in many places; within a garden, by a river, but most of all within oneself. To lose oneself in creating something of beauty is to find a quiet place.

Friday 28 June 2013

Meet Madison.

Madison arrived in the post yesterday. My sister had told me she was coming and I thought she was nuts. I mean, has she she forgotten I'm artistic and the house is cluttered? I'm a firm believer in "creative clutter is better than ideal neatness"!

Anyway, I charged Madison over night, as the manual instructed. The manual! One needs degree to understand it. I'm still trying to work out what the UV button is for, but I digress.  The next morning I pressed the auto button, still doubting its abilities, and away Madison went.

Well, what an amazing little machine, she found her way all around the house, picked up the cat fur, and I presume that if I had the docking device set up she would have found her way back to it when she got tired. And here I was convinced that if she managed to find her way into another room she'd go under a bed and cheep sadly because she was stuck and there she'd stay until her battery ran out! 

Great present sister.

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